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Following the Return of the King, EA has decided to take a different path with the next Lord of the Rings title.  The Third Age is an RPG.

This is the first RPG for Electronic Arts and brought with it a lot of new challenges for the develpment team.

For the artists, the procedures and techniques were similar to the previous game.  There was just a lot more to create.

As with Return of the King, due to the size and scope of this project, the art process used meant that a lot of different artists contributed to final look of each level.  This is obviously the way more and more games are being developed.   But it also means that it is more difficult to show exactly what parts an individual contributed.

My work consisted of creating some block-world components, detailing areas, creating textures, and texturing.  This also included increasing the geometry's resolution, adding surface details, and adding detail objects to the environment.  I also built individual assets used in various parts of the levels, like supply chests, furniture, gates, and the savepoints.  Another task was dealing with the collision geometry, adjusting it to match the terrain, assigning attributes to various collision surfaces and correcting collision bugs. 
Game Environments